Minor And Major Alterations To The Green Lantern Costume

It is a suit that is recognizable as the person chosen to wear it. It is none other than the Green Lantern uniform. There is a lot of difference that has come from. Since the early days when the super hero first graced the pages of the comics, the suit has taken on a new character with every person that has taken the oath and swore to uphold the code of the lantern. Alan Scott was the first man chosen to grace the costume and make a statement all on his own with his suit.

Imagine a puffy red top with a large yellow circle in the chest and the sign of the Green Lantern in it. There was also the black pants, boots, gloves and mask that all finished off the look. Many, when they first saw him thought that the character looked a little too ridiculous and had a hard time getting behind the outfit. The part that went a long way to making it difficult to take him seriously was that of the black cape with the bright green lining.

Next Hal Jordan stepped into the role and with that, brought a new form to the character and made it his own. There was a unified theme of black and green that was spread all throughout the costume. This was done in an attempt to bring in a lot of the fans that had been lost with the introduction of the Alan Scott version.

Jordan’s gloves were more of an off white and presented more of a hero image. In this edition, the cape was removed and the lanterns costume was on the whole a lot more of a hero style and less of the cartoon style that had been seen in the earlier version.

When Guy Gardner stepped into the role, there were a lot of changes that the character saw. One of these was the off white gloves that the new version had. This was seen by many fans as an improvement and allowed for the character to be more acceptable. Another change was that the suit was more futuristic and as a result has a lot more of an appearance than in previous versions.

Kyle Rayner would become the last and most current version of the super hero. There is an entire black and green theme going. The new version tends to rock out the new costume quite well. Many of the people that have went to see the movie will tell you that the movie version is one of the best yet.

As the years have passed these changes have allowed the character to go from a cartoon character in comics to a full-fledged super hero. Many of the fans of the comics will agree that the early version was a god attempt, but the latest version is quite honestly one of the best around.

Now that a person has all of the information that they need about the Green Lantern costume, there is no reason why a person will have problems with being able to distinguish the difference in the various forms that have been seen over the last few years.

2 thoughts on “Minor And Major Alterations To The Green Lantern Costume

  1. Pingback: Green Lantern Movie Uniform – How To Create Your Own » Mamboportal

  2. Pingback: Minor And Major Changes To The Green Lantern Outfit | Shopping and Product Review Blog

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